Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
2012 - 2018
Advisors: Prof. K. Andre Mkhoyan, Prof. Michael Tsapatsis
Thesis: Structural Investigation of Electron-Beam Sensitive Zeolites and Metal-Organic-Frameworks Using Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy
B. Tech, M. Tech, Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
2007 - 2012
Advisor: Prof. Prathap Haridoss
Thesis: Water management in proton exchange membrane fuel cells
Research Experience
University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, US
Research Scientist, Sep 2023 - Jun 2024
Mentor : Prof. Rohit Bhargava
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, US
Post-doctoral Researcher, Aug 2018 - Aug 2023
Mentor : Prof. Nicholas Kotov
Max Plank Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsreid, Germany
Visiting Researcher, May - July 2012
Advisor : Dr. Jurgen Plitzko
Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Undergraduate Intern, May - Jul 2010
Advisors : Prof. Osamu Terasaki & Prof. Zhijian Shen

Prof. Prashant Kumar
Assistant Professor
School of MSE
Nanyang Technological University
Email :
MIT Tech Review, 35 innovators under 35 (Asia Pacific)
Best Poster Award, Chirality Conference (Chicago)
Postdoctoral Innovator Award, BioInterfaces Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
ACS Post-Doc to Faculty Workshop (Selected Participant)
ACS Science Coach (Kolb Elementary School, Bay City)
Gordon Research Conference, Crystal Growth and Assembly (Travel Award)
Silver MRS Graduate Student Award, Materials Research Society, Fall meeting, Boston
1st place: Dual Beam Category, Electron microscope image contest, Thermo Fisher Scientific
1st Place: Micrograph Competition, Microscopy Society of America
Doctoral Dissertation Conference Travel Grant, University of Minnesota
Presidential Scholar Award, Microscopy Society of America
Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, University of Minnesota
2nd Place: Best Poster Award, Microscopy Society of America
2013 - 2015
3rd Place: Micrograph Competition, Microscopy Society of America
2nd Place: Micrograph Competition, Microscopy Society of America
1st Place: Best Poster Award, Microscopy Society of America
2nd Place: Micrograph Competition, Microscopy Society of America
2009 - 2011
Gold Medal: 42nd All India Student Design Competition, Institute of Engineers India
Fellowship: General Electric Foundation Scholars-Leaders Program